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Ari Katz

Tamalpais High School '22.

Mentor 2020 - present

Mill Valley Library Program Manager 2020 - present

President 2020 - present


Ethan Lin

Tamalpais High School '22.

Mentor 2020 - present

Mill Valley Library Program Manager 2021 - present

President 2021 - present

I've always had a passion for math and science. I'm a senior officer of the Tam High Engineering Club. I am currently taking my second computer science course in high school, but have previously studied programs like Javascript and Unity through online programs like Khan Academy. In addition, I am inspired by the combined creativity and logic involved with robotics and engineering. This is my second year participating in ROWR and I have loved exploring the LEGO Mindstorm kits with the mentees.


Reaching Out With Robotics (ROWR), was founded in 2014 by sisters Sona and Kavi Dolasia.

The sisters were introduced to robotics at a young age, through their middle school robotics team. Wanting to expose other kids to opportunities offered through a technology program, they started ROWR as a volunteer outreach program at a local middle school where robotics was not offered. 


Kavi Dolasia

Tamalpais High School '20.  

UC Berkeley '24

Mentor 2016 - 2020

President 2017 - 2020

I was introduced to STEM when I joined my middle school’s robotics team in sixth grade and fell in love with building and programming robots. During my time on the team, I won a gold and silver medal at the International ROBOGames. During the summer of my sophomore year, I interned at Marble, a startup building a fleet of autonomous delivery robots in San Francisco. I started ROWR with my sister in 2014, and have since expanded it to eight chapters in my community and reached over 4,000 kids. I am extremely passionate about ROWR and am excited to continue spreading my love of robotics around my community. 

I am also a 2020 National Award winner of the NCWIT Award for Aspirations in Computing. Learn more about my background experiences here.


Sona Dolasia

Tamalpais High School '17

UC Berkeley '20.

Mentor 2014 - 2019

President 2014 - 2017

Sona co-founded Reaching Out With Robotics as an outreach program of the Tam High Robotics Club. Sona was introduced to the field of Robotics in 7th Grade and was on the Mill Valley Middle School robotics team. In 8th grade, she won the Silver Medal at the 2013 ROBOGames for Best of Show Junior League. She is currently studying computer science and aspires to pursue a career in technology. 

“Technology has empowered me in ways I never thought possible and wanting to give other kids the opportunity as well. I am thrilled to have the opportunity to expose students in my community to the exciting world of robotics.“ 

Sona is also a 2017 National Award winner of the NCWIT Award for Aspirations in Computing.

The Team

(past and present)


The Team

(current and past)


Rebecca Preis

Tamalpais High School '20. Harvey Mudd College '25.

Belvedere Tiburon Library Program Manager 2018 - 2020

Mentor 2016 - present

I first discovered robotics during Tech class in 7th grade, joined the robotics team in 8th grade, and have been a mentor for ROWR since 9th grade. Recently I’ve been getting involved with STEAM by building Rube Goldberg Machines and taking engineering and computer science classes. I also love working with kids; I’ve been a Youth Leader and camp counselor at Audubon Summer Adventure Camp for the past six years, and help lead Jumping for Joy at Marin Humane. Reaching out With Robotics is amazing since it combines two of my favorite things - working with kids and tech!


The Team

(current and past)


Siena Romito

Tamalpais High School '20. Cal Poly '24.

Tech Resource Program Manager 2018 - 2020

Mentor 2016 - 2020

I was introduced to the world of robotics freshman year and I am grateful for this opportunity to teach and learn from these kids. I have worked with younger kids before I always enjoy helping them out. Science and engineering have been interesting subjects for me, so I jumped at this chance to explore it further outside of school.


The Team

(current and past)


Hannah Kahn

Tamalpais High School '20. University of British Columbia '25.

Belvedere Tiburon Library Program Manager 2018 - 2020

Mentor 2016 - present

I have been doing robotics since the sixth grade.I worked on the Mill Valley Middle School team for three years and this is now my third year working as a ROWR mentor. I have been involved in STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, and math) outside of school through competing in the international high school Rube Goldberg competition. I have always been interested in science and robotics and hope to get other young girls interested in STEAM through ROWR!


The Team

(current and past)


Charlie Osborn

Tamalpais High School '20. Cal Poly '24.

Mill Valley Library Program Manager 2018 - 2020

Mentor 2017 - 2020

I became interested in robotics this year and I have enjoyed learning so much about the topic and how I could use my current knowledge to teach others. I have always loved science, math and teaching kids. ROWR has given me the perfect opporunity to apply my love for these subjects.


The Team

(current and past)


Max Neeley

Tamalpais High School '20

Mentor 2017 - 2020

I have some experience with legos when I played with them as a kid. I also used to mess around with LEGO mindstorms, so I am somewhat familiar with the software, and how the motors and sensors operate. I’m hoping that I’ll be able to get better at working with kids through ROWR, and I’m excited to help introduce robotics to whippersnappers out there.


The Team

(current and past)


Skye Schoenhoeft

Tamalpais High School '20. UC Santa Barbara '24

Mentor 2017 - 2020

When I was younger I loved to play with legos with my autistic little brother. It was awesome to watch his creativity shine, and I hope to see the same kind of growth with other kids in ROWR. I also love writing, surfing, and making movies. I’ve only very recently been introduced to robotics, but I am very excited to be a part of this program.


The Team

(current and past)


Stevi Dunn

Tamalpais High School '20

Mentor 2017 - 2020

I have always enjoyed science and math because of the objectivity and engaging nature of these subjects. Currently, I am taking computer science and hope to apply the logic based reasoning to extracurricular activities such as robotics. When I had the opportunity to join ROWR, I became excited to learn about the principles of robotics. Not only that, but I now I have the privilege of passing on my knowledge to younger kids who are similarly interested in STEM.


The Team

(current and past)


Ryan Malek-Maple

Tamalpais High School '20. UC Berkeley '24.

Mentor 2018 - 2020

During my two years as a ROWR mentor, I had a great time learning and teaching out robotics, and helping get kids excited about STEM, an opportunity I wish I had at a young age. ROWR was a great way to get mentees creative and have a fun monday afternoon every spring!


The Team

(current and past)


Hugo Slothower

Tamalpais High School '20

Mentor 2017 - 2018

I have always been interested in robotics in my personal time, but first year teaching kids at Reaching Out With Robotics has shown a lot of potential and I can’t wait to see what is in store for the future.


The Team

(current and past)


Chadson Lui

Tamalpais High School '20

Mentor 2017 - 2018

Ever since I was in middle school, I have always been interested in things related to technology, robotics included. My time at Reaching Out With Robotics was a great experience and I look forward to continuing and moving forward with ROWR and I know that it’s going to be a fun journey all the way through.


The Team

(current and past)


Chris Holden-Wingate

Tamalpais High School '18

Mentor 2016 - 2018

Helping and teaching are some of my favorite things to do. I take joy in seeing others learn and grow and Reaching Out With Robotics has provided not only the students of MLK and myself an opportunity to learn how to code and build robots, but an opportunity to work as a team and realize that there is not just one way to solve a given problem.


The Team

(current and past)


Cate Ryan

Tamalpais High School '17, Brown University '21

Mentor 2014 - 2017

I have always loved learning and creativity, as well as science and technology, and Robotics combines all of that perfectly into one, which is why I’m so happy to be a part of ROWR. Building robots and participating in programs like this one at MLK, in my opinion, allows students to challenge themselves and think in ways they wouldn’t usually have the opportunity to do, which is why I look forward to mentoring younger students in the area of robotics!


The Team

(current and past)


Maia Asiano

Tamalpais High School '17, University of San Francisco '21

Mentor 2014 - 2017

I love to perform and am an active member of Tam’s CTE. I am also president of the Music Together program at Tam. This program strives to promote inclusion of the special education community in the my community. I enjoy being a mentor at ROWR, working alongside youth and helping them build and express their creativity.


The Team

(current and past)


Elise Ryan

Tamalpais High School '17, Brown University '21

Mentor 2014 - 2017

I have always been fascinated by anything that allows me to be creative, and to explore in new and different ways. Robotics allows me to explore science and technology in new and different ways that allow me to be creative with science and technology, which are fields I have always found interest in. I have also been interested in traditional art for years, but robotics has allowed me to find out how my creative side can spread out into different, scientific, fields. I am excited to explore and learn robotics with all of the kids at MLK, and other students that we have the opportunity to provide Robotics outreach to as well!


The Team

(current and past)


Will Stock

Tamalpais High School '16, UC San Diego '20

Mentor 2014 - 2016

I have always enjoyed learning how things work, and why they work the way they do. I have found that Lego’s robotics series is an extremely effective way to learn about robotics, due to its simplicity and versatility. Our program works to use these kits as a tool to help challenge the kids participating in our program and also to show them how they can use these kits to apply lessons learned in the realms of math, science, and computer technology


The Team

(current and past)


Cole Haegglund

Tamalpais High School '16, University of Washington '20 (mechanical engineering)

Mentor 2014 - 2016

I have always enjoyed learning how things work and taking them apart to see why that is. I first began focusing on robotics in middle school when I joined an engineering and robotics club so that I could put what I knew to use.I joined Tam’s robotics club so that I could introduce kids at MLK to engineering and teach them what I have learned.


The Team

(current and past)


Fiona Bransgrove

Tamalpais High School '17, San Francisco State '21

Mentor 2014 - 2016

I am a book enthusiast, whale admirer, musical fanatic, and tea drinker. I work with children over the summer as an intern at a musical theater camp based in Marin and tutors two fifth-grade students weekly. I enjoy working with younger peers and am excited to be part of the Tam Robotics: Reaching Out With Robotics program currently implemented at MLK Jr. Academy.


The Team

(current and past)


Megan Bartschat

Tamalpais High School '17

Mentor 2014 - 2015

I was a mentor for ROWR in 2014 and loved it! I love theater, reading and writing, and occasionally running. I started working with robots in middle school and loved it, so I’m so excited to have the opportunity to introduce it to other people. I hope to be able to show these kids how robotics can open up whole new worlds, and give them the ability to create anything.

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