Reaching Out With Robotics
An Outreach Program for Underrepresented Groups in STEM

Reaching Out With Robotics (ROWR) was founded in 2014 by sisters Sona and Kavi Dolasia. The sisters were introduced to robotics at a young age, through their middle school robotics team. Wanting to expose other kids to similar opportunities, they started ROWR as a volunteer outreach program at Bayside Martin Luther King Jr. Academy in Marin City, a local middle school where robotics was not offered.
ROWR has since expanded to offer robotics workshops, mainly using Lego Mindstorms and Spheros, at the Mill Valley Public Library, Belvedere-Tiburon Library, Marin City Library, Willow Creek Academy, Technology Resource Center of Marin, and Redwoods retirement community.

Marin City Public Library
Marin City, CA — Saturdays 10-12pm, once a month
Our Marin City library program started in 2018 and targets elementary and middle schoolers living in underserved communities. Students use LEGO Mindstorms EV3 equipment to learn engineering and computer science fundamentals through hands-on projects. Recommended for students in grades 3-8.

Mill Valley Public Library
Mill Valley, CA — Saturdays 10-12pm, once a month
Our Mill Valley library program started in 2014 and consistently attracts 15-20 middle school students each month. Students use LEGO Mindstorms EV3 equipment to learn engineering and computer science fundamentals through hands-on projects. Recommended for students in grades 3-8.

Belvedere-Tiburon Library
Tiburon, CA — Saturdays 3-5pm, once a month
Our Tiburon library program started in 2017 and primarily
targets elementary and middle school girls. Students use Sphero robots to complete obstacle courses, races, art projects, and building challenges, and learn to control robots via drawings, block coding, and C-programming. Recommended for students in grades 1-8. Funded by the National Center for Women in Technology (NCWIT).
Middle Schools

Bayside Martin Luther King Jr. Academy
Marin City, CA — Mondays 3:30-4:30pm, every week
Bayside MLK was the first ROWR chapter ever, started in 2014. Bayside MLK is a Title 1 middle school with very limited science and math resources. ROWR aims to address this inequality by
exposing students to STEM through robotics. Students work
in teams with ROWR mentors throughout the year to build
LEGO Mindstorms robots and compete at the International RoboGames. Partnership with Boys & Girls Club of Marin.

Willow Creek Academy
Sausalito, CA — Wednesdays 3:30-4:30pm, every week
Started in 2017, middle schoolers at Willow Creek attend
weekly ROWR sessions and work in teams with ROWR
mentors to build and program robots. Compete at the
International RoboGames for the cumulative project
Special Chapters

Tech Resource Center of Marin
San Rafael, CA — Saturdays 10-I2pm, every month
Started in 2017. The Tech Resource Center is a program of the Marin County Office of Education that uses technology to enhance the education of students with special needs.
ROWR's chapter works with young students with learning
or physical disabilities like autism and allows them to
explore and engage with building and programming robots.

Boys & Girls Club, Live Oak Clubhouse
Santa Cruz, CA — Wednesdays 3-4pm, every week
Started in 2019 in partnership with the Boys and Girls Club
of Santa Cruz County. Targeted at middle schoolers. Uses
LEGO Mindstorms EV3 kits to expose students to robotics
through an engaging and project-based environment.

The Redwoods Retirement Community
Mill Valley, CA — Wednesdays 3-4:30pm, every month
Started in 2019, this is ROWR's first program targeted at
senior citizens, ranging in age from 65 to 102. This programs introduces seniors to basic STEM skills through robotics in order to stimulate and engage the residents.
SPONsors & Partners
Reaching Out With Robotics thanks its sponsors for providing financial support, technology, and awareness so that we can continue to teach robotics around the world. Thank you, sponsors! If you are interested in becoming a sponsor please click here.
